“Bringing Up Bebe” by Pamela Druckerman

Pamela Druckerman is an American journalist married to an Englishman. They are living in Paris, both writing books, when they have their first child.
This is the mother’s story of what she learns from French families, where she finds the children sleep all night, eat regular healthy meals and the parents remain relaxed. Druckerman has a funny, honest way of describing all this, which makes for a very amusing book, made funnier when her twin boys arrive.
She watches the French mothers set out a “cadre”, or framework, within which the children must be obedient to certain rules, but after that are free to play as they like, making up their own games without supervision. At meal times great attention is given to regular four meals a day, with the grown-ups, and including a four-o’clock afternoon snack. Apart from that there is no snacking during the day, unlike American families. The result, Druckerman notes, is no obese children in France, unlike her own country. This also meant much more fresh vegetables and fruit and less pasta and hotdogs.
At the “creche”, which is state-funded, the children had the same system of basic obedience but also much free time to explore on their own. When the children did join their parents, they did not grab all the attention but allowed parents and their friends to continue their conversations uninterrupted.
Druckerman shares her efforts at learning to say “non”, and the book gives a fascinating picture of the two cultures, French and American. It may be a bit repetitive – but what book on Bringing up Bebe could not be?

Review by Anne McDougall

“Walking for Peace: An Inner Journey” Book Signing on Saturday, April 28 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Join us at the bookstore on Saturday afternoon for a book signing with Mony Dojeiji and Alberto Agraso. They will be here on Saturday, April 28 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm signing their book Walking for Inner Peace: An Inner Journey.
From the jacket:
“The course of one’s life never unfolds quite as we imagine it would. While traveling to gain perspective on her life, Mony, a Lebanese-Canadian woman, feels called to walk an ancient path known as the Way of the Soul. She wavers, allowing her fears to drown out her heart’s yearning. Until 9/11. Fate orchestrates all the necessary preparations, including an unexpected companion named Alberto, an Andalusian mystic whose ideas would challenge every preconceived notion Mony holds about peace, life and love. Their 13-month, 5000-kilometer odyssey across 13 countries would lead them physically to Jerusalem, but more importantly, to what was perhaps the intended destination all along: their true selves.
This remarkable true story reminds us that it’s never too late to listen to our hearts, that omens appear to guide us in our journeys, and that following both will lead us to realize our dreams and fulfill our destinies.”

We hope to see you all here on Saturday afternoon to meet these wonderful authors. See you then!

Maurice Hladik Signing “Demystifying Food from Farm to Fork”

On Saturday April 21, from 12:00 to 2:00pm, local author Maurice Hladik will be in the bookstore signing copies of his new book Demystifying Food from Farm to Fork.
Maurice grew up on a farm in western Canada and was an active farmer into his early adulthood. He earned two degrees in agricultural economics from Canadian and US universities and became an agricultural attache in New Zealand and Germany.
From the jacket:
“In North America and elsewhere, there is a growing concern by many that they are no longer connected in any meaningful way with the production or processing of the food they consume. Furthermore, many sources portray a negative bias regarding the production, transport, processing, and marketing of today’s food.
In Demystifying Food from Farm to Fork, author Maurice J. Hladik examines a plethora of issues surrounding the agricultural industry. It answers the questions of what is food, what does farm to market really mean, and whether the food we eat is safe.”

We hope to see you all here on Saturday between noon and 2:00pm!

“Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs” by Elizabeth Hillman Waterston

In Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs, Elizabeth Hillman Waterston gives us a very particular picture of what it was like going to university – McGill – while the country had just started World War II.

She entered McGill in September l939, the month war was declared. The first eight months moved slowly with the defeat of Poland, war in Finland, and battles on the sea and in the air. By April l940, Hitler’s blitzkrieg brought the fall of France, Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, and ended with the invasion of Russia and Pearl Harbour.

All this time, Elizabeth headed out from Montreal West by bus or street-car to college, where she was sorting out her lectures, getting to know the professors, going to freshie dances, and trying out articles for the student paper, The McGill Daily. Certainly the headlines brought the war news, and students across campus were also wondering which young professors would be joining up, and most of all, which of their family, and men friends, would leave the campus.

The book brings out the strong contrast between the frivolous insistence of youth “to have a good time at college” and the darkening demands from overseas. With diaries and scrapbooks, and a natural ability to report what she saw – and now remembers – Waterston gives a very intimate portrait of these days. It is certainly a pleasure to read for anyone who was at university at this time. She shares photos and newspaper clippings, and altogether brings the period very much alive.

Waterston herself became a Professor of English, and taught at Sir George Williams, the University of Western Ontario, and the University of Guelph, where she is presently Professor Emeritus.

Review by Anne McDougall

Esther Fueter-Matharu Signing on Saturday, April 14 from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Come on down to Books on Beechwood on Saturday, April 14 to meet local author Esther Fueter-Matharu. She will be here from 11:00am to 1:00pm signing copies of her two books, Man on Trial: The ABC of his Folly and De-Feet.

De-Feet — a book of poetry
From the jacket:
“Love, war, nature, the environment – all reflect different phases on the journey of life that the poet who lives in each person can observe and corroborate. With tears and laughter, fears and mockery, Esther Fueter-Matharu takes us on a journey from the wall in Palestine to the bombs in Tennessee, from a tranquil lake in Quebec to the heart of corporate America, from the joys of friendship to the spiritual ponderings for authenticity in the world where lies and pretence dominate. She describes a world that is hot and angry, loving and tender. Both the oppressed and the oppressor will recognize themselves in Esther’s poems.”

Man on Trial: The ABC of his Folly
From the jacket:
“Why, in Canada, do so few women aspire to enter the political arena?
What holds them back?
What needs to happen for women to actively seek to have a fair and proportionate representation in the decision-making processes in all areas of government?”
“From A for Arrogance, to Z for Zero, this book attempts to describe how the dominant paradigm has affected Woman. Structured as a pyramid (the powerful few at the top, the vast voiceless majority at the bottom), and based on the military model of command and control, this model has failed Women, the Environment and Community.”
“The paradigm must go and a new one adopted in all areas of governance.”

About the author:
Esther Fueter-Matharu sees herself as a woman among the millions of women who feel deeply that something is wrong in the way things are going. She is a founding member of the Women’s Alliance Party and a member of its Council of Thirteen.

We hope to see you all here on Saturday! Come on down, meet the author, buy a book, and get it signed!

Book Signings with Thomas Waite and Beverly Blanchard on Saturday, April 7

There will be two great book signings on Saturday, April 7 at Books on Beechwood. Between 12:00pm and 1:00pm, come by the store to meet author Beverley Blanchard who will be signing copies of her book Into the Waves.

Later in the afternoon, Thomas Waite will be in signing copies of his new novel, Terminal Value. It is an “intense thriller that provides an insider’s look into the excitement of a technology start-up, the anticipated riches of an initial public offering, the gut-wrenching murder of a friend, and the dark side of corporate America.” Thomas Waite will be signing copies of his book from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.

We hope to see you all here at the store! Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Events coming up in April!

Yes, these events are all on saturdays.

April 7th from 12 to 1pm, “Into the Waves” by Beverly Blanchard
April 7 from 1:30 to 3:30 “Terminal Value” by Thomas Waite

April 14 from 11am to 1pm “Man on Trial: The ABC of his Folly” by Esther Fueter-Matharu

April 21 from 12 to 2pm “Demystifying Food: from Farm to Fork” by Maurice J. Hladik

April 28th from 1 to 3pm “Walking for Peace: an Inner Journey” by Mony Dojeiji

Just the basics for now… more details to come!

“Enchantments” by Kathryn Harrison

enchantments.jpegThis is a story about the fall of Russia’s Romanov empire, written by well-known novelist, Kathryn Harrison.

Set in St. Petersburg, 1917, a lot of it takes place in the lavish imperial palace of Tsar Nicolay and his family. It opens, however, with the murder of the Mad Monk, Grigory Rasputin, who was drowned in the Neva river by the rising Bolsheviks. This notorious healer had grown close to the Tsar’s wife. When he was killed, she persuaded Rasputin’s daughter to move in to the palace and help look after her hemophiliac son.

The rest of the book is their story, of their growing together as they watch their whole world come crashing down. There are many reminiscences looking back to voluptuous days when the Tsar ruled Russia. These “enchantments” give way to a closing down of the palace and eventual execution of the Romanovs.

Harrison is skilled at creating a vivid, imaginary world, based on historic fact. She has done this in novels such as: Thicker than Water, Exposure, Poison, The Binding Chair, The Seal Wife and Envy. She has also written autobiography, biography, and a book of crime.

Review by Anne McDougall

R. J. Harlick and Lesley Harman to Sign Their Books on Saturday, March 17!

greenplacedying.jpegCome down and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Books on Beechwood with two exciting book signing events!

The fun starts with R. J. Harlick, a local mystery author, who will be in signing copies of her new book A Green Place For Dying from 12:00pm to 2:00pm on Saturday, March 17. This newest installment in Harlick’s Meg Harris mystery series finds “Meg Harris [confronting] police indifference as aboriginal women go missing.”

The events continue with an appearance by author Lesley Harman who will be here from 3:00pm to 5:00pm signing her book, We Are Never Alone: Healing Lessons from the Camino. This book recounts the author’s experience walking the ancient pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, and how “physical concerns fall away as the walk takes Harman into another space, a mystical horizon of time traveling, spiritual transformation, and healing.”

We hope to see you all down here at one or both of these events! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!