Our Bestsellers for May

  1. Home before Dark                          Rosemary Sexton                            Biography
  2. On becoming a Mother                Brigid McConville                             Parenting
  3. Silver Totem of Shame                  R.J. Horlick                                          Mystery
  4. The Shadow Queen                        Sandra Gulland                                Fiction
  5. Opening Heaven’s Door                   Patricia Pearson                             Psychology
  6. How to add value to your home        Scott Mcgillivray                            Decor
  7. The Lost Sisterhood                        Anne Fortier                                      Fiction
  8. Capital in the Twenty First Century    Thomas Piketty                       Economy
  9. The Girl who saved the King of..       J. Jonasson                                 Fiction
  10. The Worn Archive                            Serah-Marie McMahon                Art etc
  11. Under Cold Stone                            Vicki Delaney                                     Mystery
  12. The One                                               Kierra Cass                                         Youth
  13. Stella Bain                                           Anita Shrive                                       Fiction
  14. Howard’s End is on the Landing       Susan Hill                                         Biography
  15. The Son of a certain woman        Wayne Johnston                                  Fiction
  16. Ottawa, Canada                                   William McElligot                          Travel
  17. The Soldiers Wife                             Margaret Leroy                                 Fiction
  18. The Goldfinch                                    Donna Tartt                                        Fiction
  19. Letters from Skye                            Jessica Brockmole                            Fiction
  20. Medicine Walk                                 Richard Wagamese                                Fiction

(Use the search function on our webstore at www.store.booksonbeechwood.ca for details on each title or to order these books)