The fall brings a flurry of activity at the store in preparation for the November/December peak in sales. We are busy bringing in new stock and adding to our collection. Books make an ideal choice as a Christmas gift that can be adapted to the recipient’s interests. If you can’t quite decide what to get, gift cards are always welcome. The store is about to introduce new customized electronic gift cards which will be more convenient for the customer. Just ask at the counter.
The staff are always willing to help you search for books and ready to put their vast knowledge at your service. However, for those who prefer to search or just browse by themselves, we’ve added a search computer at the rear of the store. There you can search our stock on-line and search the stock of our major suppliers. You can also order books on-line if you wish. The same search facility can be accessed at home by going to
Fall and winter activities are off to a good start. Our book club was so successful last year that we’ve expanded to two clubs this year (but discussing a common set of books). You’re welcome to join the new club on the second Wednesday of each month. (see the Book Club page for details).
A major new adventure for us is the Books and Brew Series put on in collaboration with the Clocktower pub next door. This involves dinner at the pub combined with readings or presentations by selected authors and a question and answer session. The series debuted with a sell-out crowd to hear the ever popular Charlotte Gray talking about her new book (The Massey Murder). It was a very successful. It’s interesting to see “reading” becoming such a social event. Future Books and Brew nights are planned as follows:
Monday October 28; Nathan Greenfield with “The Forgotten: Canadian POWs, Escapees and Evaders in Europe 1939-1945
Monday November 11: Don Newman with his memoir “Welcome to the Broadcast”
Monday November 25: Mary Lawson with her new novel “Road Ends”
In December, the nights switch to Sundays including
Sunday December 1: Denise Chong with “Lives of the Family”
Sunday December 15: Robert Sibley with “The Way of the 88 Temples”
Come and join us! Proceedings begin with dinner at 6.00 p.m. Reservations with the Clocktower pub will be necessary most nights. Some special discounts apply.
As usual, we have many book signings planned within the store during the coming months. These often feature local authors. Watch our events page for details.
We look forward to serving you whatever your interests.