- “None so blind” Barbara Fradkin Mystery
- “Party of One” Michael Harris Politics
- “Time such as there never was before” Alan Bowker History
- “I know why the caged bird sings” Maya Angelou Biography
- “Worth Dying for” Terry Gould Politics
- “Man in the Shadows” Gordon Henderson Fiction
- “On Sober Second Thought” Barbra Bond Fiction
- “Girls will be Girls” Deak/Barker Parenting
- “Happy City” Charles Montgomery Politics
- “The Necessary War” Tim Cook History
- “Heroes of Olympus; Book V” Rick Riordan Youth
- “Tell” Frances Itani Fiction
- “It’s not the Ships” Frederick Sherwood Biography
- “Roses for a Diva” Rick Blechta Mystery
- “Common Ground” Justin Trudeau Biography