January Newsletter

Happy New Year to all our customers! We finished off 2013 with excellent sales in December. As with many retail businesses, November and December are critical to our financial well-being. Many “Thank you”s to all our customers. We hope that we solved a few gift dilemmas for you and also that we provided a pleasant shopping experience in the process.

Now we come to a less interesting part of our business operations-assessing the inventory that we built up so as to provide enough choice during the Holiday rush and returning excess products to the respective publishers. We will be closed all day on Sunday January 26 to carry out a complete inventory check-individually counting about 5000 or so books. In preparation for that, we will hold an inventory sale in mid-January. Watch this space for details of the big event -coming shortly.

The two Book Clubs resume in January.   On January 15th, the first group meet at the New Edinburgh Square Residence at 7.30p.m. On January 29th, the second group meet at the Edinburgh Retirement Residence also at 7.30p.m. The January book is “In the Garden of the Beasts” by Erik Larsen. Beginning in 1933 in Berlin, it tells the story of William Dodd who became the first American Ambassador to Hitler’s Germany in what was a critical point in history. “The book lends a stunning eye-witness perspective on events revealing an era of surprising nuance and complexity”. The book is available in the bookstore at a discount during this month. We’ll have more book events to announce later.

Our December best sellers list is given below. We have the usual mix of non-fiction (Biography/Politics/History) and Fiction and the numbers are heavily influenced by book signing events and the word-of-mouth that follows. There are a few surprises. One is that Victoria Abbott made the list twice with her “book Collector mysteries”. It is interesting that both Joseph Bryden’s “The Orenda” and Charlotte Gray’s “The Massey Murder”, which have been on the best sellers list for several months, had a resurgence in December. A sleeper near the bottom of the list is “The Rosie Project” by Graeme Simsion for which we’re getting great reports back from customers as a feel good read. Maybe it will be this year’s version of “The hundred year old man who jumped out the window and …” which had steady sales throughout 2013 as word spread about it.

Good reading in 2014! Remember that one of the few guaranteed antidotes to brutally cold weather (that doesn’t involve long distance travel) is to curl up indoors with a good book.

Our Best Sellers for December

Check our e-store for details of each book.

1.       How we lead: Canada in a…        Joe Clark                                              Politics

2.       The Sayers Swindle                         Victoria Abbott                                 Mystery

3.       Dear Life                                              Alice Monro                                       Fiction

4.       An Astronauts guide to..               Chris Hadfield                                    Biography

5.       The War that ended the Peace  Margaret MacMillan                       History 

6.       The Way of the 88 Temples         Robert Sibley                                     Travel

7.       Lives of the Family                           Denise Chong                                    History

8.       The Longer I’m Prime Minister..                Paul Wells                          Biography

9.       The Orenda                                        Joseph Bryden                                  Fiction

10.   The Massey Murder                       Charlotte Gray                                  Fiction

11.   Shopping for Votes                         Susan Delacourt                               Politics 

12.   True Confessions of a Film Critic          Robert Fontaine                        Arts & Music

13.   Road Ends                                           Mary Lawson                                     Fiction

14.   Building the Orange Wave           Brad Lavigne                                      Biography

15.   Conversations with a dead man            Mark Abley                           Biography

16.   The Luminaries                                 Eleanor Catton                                  Fiction

17.   In the garden of beasts                 Erik Larson                                          History

18.  Longbourn                            JoBaker                                   Fiction                                                  

19.   The Christie Curse                           Victoria Abbott                                 Mystery

20.   Sweetness of a simple life           D. Beresford-Kroeger                    Sci & Nature

21.   David & Goliath: Undergoing ..   Malcom Gladwell                             Psychology

22.   The Rosie Project                             Graeme Simsion                               Fiction

23.   The Day the Crayons Quit             Drew Daywalt                                    Kids